
There are many thousands of hybrid cymbidiums in a vast range of shades and sizes.  Colour, spike size and spike strength also vary greatly within individual hybrids depending on the growing conditions and the age of the plant.  In this regard nutrition levels and the growing environment determine the bulb size and resultant spike size and light levels have an important bearing of flower colour.  Some varieties grown under high light can be distinctly yellow while the same variety grown under heavy shade can be green.  Similarly some varieties grown under shade can be white whereas under full sun will be pink.

Brownings Orchids website contains good photographs of their varieties:

The Kiwi Orchids website also has an extensive collection of photographs:

Some of the flower exporters websites also have good photographic collections of the more common varieties grown in New Zealand:

Eastern and Global flower collection

Standard Cymbidiums (NZ Bloom and Zest International)

Mini Cymbidiums (NZ Bloom and Zest International)

High definition photos of individual blooms can be found in the Norm Porter collection (photographer Bernard Golder):

Miscellaneous cymbidium photographs:

Miniature Pink Cymbidiums
Candy Cane Pink Pole
Excalibur Ygerne
Kyancutta Sweet Lorraine

Lady Bug Drumm

Plum Garden

Mystry (1)

Swanlake Bayfront Park
Beaconfire Bridal Bouquet

Miniature Green Cymbidiums

Elsie Sanderson

Minnette Green Queen
King Arthur Paceo Verdi

Minnette Panamint Valley
Sylvia Miller Yaeko Yamamoto
Sarah Jean Jillian

Miniature Yellow Cymbidiums

Ming Pagoda

Miniature White Cymbidiums

Swan Lake Moon Cream (Mist Maiden)

Standard White Cymbidiums

Standard Pink Cymbidiums

Standard Green Cymbidiums
Forest of Green
Baltic Glacier Mint Ice

Standard Yellow Cymbidiums

Golden Glitter

Standard Other Coloured Cymbidiums
Tapestry Zeta