The following link contains some notes prepared in 2008 on the issue of food miles and its implication for cymbidium exports from New Zealand. At that time it was clear that the methodology for calculating carbon footprints was still being formulated especially in respect of transport costs. New Zealand cymbidiums, especially on long-haul fights, where aeroplanes have to take their full fuel capacity, flowers are often accorded cargo space as they are lighter per unit volume than many other freight items. To a certain extent therefore it can be argued that they occupy space which would be left empty if other light cargo was not available. The introduction of a flat carbon charge on flights entering the EU ignores this scenario. The amount of space requiring "light cargo" is dependant on both the aircraft type and the length of the flight. Older 747 aircraft with modern (heavy) in-flight entertainment systems have a higher freight capacity requiring "light cargo" than the more modern 777 aircraft which have a higher loading capacity.
Food Miles & Carbon Footprint